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Welcome to the Beautiful Tomorrow, a Substack newsletter and community for fans of Disney history and pop culture!

Mosaics Inside Cinderella Castle (Disney World) - Disney Insider Tips

Harper Bankes is the founding author behind Beautiful Tomorrow. Harper is a research journalist who enjoys unearthing little-known pieces of history and linking them together to relevant events of today.

What is Beautiful Tomorrow?

This publication gets its name from the lyrics to the song, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow”, written by the Sherman Brothers for The Carousel of Progress. After Walt Disney passed away on December 15, 1966, it was said the Sherman Brothers viewed this song as Walt’s song. They expressed this belief because the song expressed Walt’s view on eternal optimism and promise for the future.

What Will Your Subscription Include?

Monthly essays with curated tidbits of forgotten Disney history, trivia and anecdotes. The style of these articles may vary to include Disney trivia, recounts of history and the occasional anthology series on topics a variety of topics.

Your subscription also entitles you to view all of our past articles and trivia on Substack.

Walt Disney Castle by Refinery Number One - Unframed Print

If you enjoy what you are reading, we invite you to please share our individual articles with your friends and on social media. Subscriptions are currently free while we are in the process of establishing our community.

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Are you a Disney fan? We welcome you into our community, and invite you to post comments in your favorite articles. We spend a lot of time researching our topics, so please let us know if you have any questions regarding a particular area of interest.

We ask you keep our community friendly by keeping all posts thoughtful and constructive.

Smoking and Heroism: Disney's Pinocchio |

Thank you for subscribing! Stay optimistic, and we’ll see you real soon!



Subscribe to Beautiful Tomorrow: A Community for Disney Fans

Join us as we discuss the latest in Disney history and pop culture!


Researcher, theme park historian, writer and optimist